Are you trying to design a new fitness plan for your clients but don’t know where to start? It can be a large undertaking to develop a routine that provides enjoyable exercises and produces results.
Here are three steps to get you on the right track when establishing a new athletic training program.
The first key to building a training program is making sure you have the necessary exercise equipment and an efficient place to complete the routines. Without items like power racks and rigs, you may end up looking like an amateur and garner less confidence from your clients. Even a bodyweight workout requires basic equipment like floor mats and pull-up bars.
Invest in the gear that is essential to completing the curriculum for your plan.
If you want to create one of the top athletic training programs in the fitness industry, you also need to know the proper workouts and exercises that produce results. The milestones your clients are trying to achieve will likely require doing more than basic bench press and weighted squat sets. Do everything you can to learn a handful of techniques for each muscle in the human body to present yourself as an expert.
Always continue your own education to keep up with new fitness trends, innovative exercises, and effective training practices.
Everyone in the world has a different fitness goal they want to reach. And whether it falls under a specific umbrella topic such as losing weight or gaining muscle, they all want to see definitive results of their hard work. Even the best personal trainer in the world won’t find success if they can’t prove what they are teaching actually works.
Data analytics in the fitness industry begin on the client’s first day of their journey and should measure things like weight, body fat, strength milestones, running/walking speed and distance, as well as many others. Make sure both you and your customers are logging all of these analytics along with photos to show even more identifiable progress.
These are only a few of the steps you should follow as you are putting together your athletic training program. Be sure to check out our blog to learn more about the gym equipment and brands we offer to help you design the perfect plan for your clients.
Contact Fitness and Exercise Solutions to find out more about developing an athletic training program in Indiana, Tennessee, and Kentucky.